Source code for wisdem.commonse.utilities


Created by Andrew Ning on 2013-05-31.
Copyright (c) NREL. All rights reserved.

from __future__ import print_function

import copy

import numpy as np
from scipy.linalg import solve_banded

# from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

def mode_fit(x, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6):
    return c2 * x**2.0 + c3 * x**3.0 + c4 * x**4.0 + c5 * x**5.0 + c6 * x**6.0

def get_modal_coefficients(x, y, deg=[2, 3, 4, 5, 6], idx0=None, base_slope0=True):
    if idx0 is None:
        idx0 = 0

    # Normalize x input
    xn = (x - x[idx0]) / (x[-1] - x[idx0])

    # Remove 0th and 1st order modes for base slope match
    if y.ndim > 1:
        y = y - y[idx0, np.newaxis, :]
        if not base_slope0:
            dy = np.gradient(y, xn, axis=0, edge_order=2)
            y = y - np.outer(xn, dy[idx0, :])
        y = y - y[idx0]
        if not base_slope0:
            dy = np.gradient(y, xn, edge_order=2)
            y = y - dy[idx0] * xn

    # Get coefficients to 2-6th order polynomial
    p6 = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit(xn, y, deg)

    # Normalize for Elastodyn
    # The normalization shouldn't be less than 1e-5 otherwise OpenFAST has trouble in single prec
    if y.ndim > 1:
        p6 = p6[2:, :]
        tempsum = np.sum(p6, axis=0) + 1e-16  # Avoid divide by 0
        normval = np.maximum(np.abs(tempsum), 1e-5)
        normval *= np.sign(tempsum)
        p6 /= normval[np.newaxis, :]
        p6 = p6[2:]
        tempsum = p6.sum() + 1e-16  # Avoid divide by 0
        normval = np.maximum(np.abs(tempsum), 1e-5)
        normval *= np.sign(tempsum)
        p6 /= normval

    return p6

def get_xyz_mode_shapes(
    r, freqs, xdsp, ydsp, zdsp, xmpf, ympf, zmpf, idx0=None, base_slope0=True, expect_all=True, rank_and_file=False
    # Number of frequencies and modes
    nfreq = len(freqs)

    # Get mode shapes in batch
    mpfs = np.abs(np.c_[xmpf, ympf, zmpf])
    displacements = np.vstack((xdsp, ydsp, zdsp)).T
    polys = get_modal_coefficients(r, displacements, idx0=idx0, base_slope0=base_slope0)
    xpolys = polys[:, :nfreq].T
    ypolys = polys[:, nfreq : (2 * nfreq)].T
    zpolys = polys[:, (2 * nfreq) :].T
    ix = 0
    iy = 0
    iz = 0

    # Containers and counters for the mode shapes
    nfreq2 = int(nfreq / 2)
    mysize = nfreq2 if expect_all else nfreq
    mshapes_x = np.zeros((mysize, 5))
    mshapes_y = np.zeros((mysize, 5))
    mshapes_z = np.zeros((mysize, 5))
    freq_x = np.zeros(mysize)
    freq_y = np.zeros(mysize)
    freq_z = np.zeros(mysize)

    # Filter the modeshapes by their mpfs
    #   - guarauntees that no modeshapes are calculated at the same frequency,
    #   - does not guarantee a modeshape in every direction
    #   - does not guarantee exact modeshape orders
    if not rank_and_file:
        # Identify which mode is which and whether it is a valid mode
        imode = np.argmax(mpfs, axis=1)
        mpfs_ratio = np.abs(mpfs.max(axis=1) / (1e-16 + mpfs.min(axis=1)))  # Avoid divide by 0

        for m in range(nfreq):
            if np.isnan(freqs[m]) or (freqs[m] < 1e-1) or (mpfs_ratio[m] < 1e3) or (mpfs[m, :].max() < 1e-13):
            if imode[m] == 0:
                if expect_all and ix >= nfreq2:
                mshapes_x[ix, :] = xpolys[m, :]
                freq_x[ix] = freqs[m]
                ix += 1
            elif imode[m] == 1:
                if expect_all and iy >= nfreq2:
                mshapes_y[iy, :] = ypolys[m, :]
                freq_y[iy] = freqs[m]
                iy += 1
            elif imode[m] == 2:
                if expect_all and iz >= nfreq2:
                mshapes_z[iz, :] = zpolys[m, :]
                freq_z[iz] = freqs[m]
                iz += 1
    # "Rank and file" the modeshapes by their mpfs and order
    # Filter the modeshapes by their mpfs
    #   - does guarauntees that modeshapes are calculated at different frequencies,
    #   - guarantees a modeshape in every direction
    #   - guarantees exact modeshape orders
        idyn = np.where(freqs > 1e-1)[0]
        freqs_dyn = freqs[idyn]
        eps = 1e-12
        dummy_span = np.linspace(0.0 + eps, 1.0 - eps, 100)
        defl_numbers = np.zeros((freqs_dyn.size, 3))
        for j, polys in enumerate([xpolys, ypolys, zpolys]):
            poly_dyn = polys[idyn, :]
            for i, p in enumerate(poly_dyn):
                pf = np.r_[np.zeros(2), p]
                p_1deriv = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyder(pf, m=1, axis=0)
                p_1val = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(dummy_span, p_1deriv)
                dnx1 = np.count_nonzero(np.sign(p_1val[:-1]) != np.sign(p_1val[1:]))

                p_2deriv = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyder(pf, m=2, axis=0)
                p_2val = np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(dummy_span, p_2deriv)
                dnx2 = np.count_nonzero(np.sign(p_2val[:-1]) != np.sign(p_2val[1:]))

                # Check second derivative for higher order modes
                if dnx2 >= defl_numbers[i, j]:  # Should only exist for higher order but monotonically increasing modes
                    defl_numbers[i, j] = dnx2 + 1
                    defl_numbers[i, j] = dnx1

        def record_used_freqs(polyidx, i, used_freq_idx):
            directions = ["x", "y", "z"]
            if polyidx in used_freq_idx and i < 3:
                    f"WARNING: Frequency index {polyidx} has been used again for i={i} in the {directions[i]}-direction"
            return used_freq_idx

        xmpf_dyn = np.abs(xmpf[freqs > 1e-1])
        ympf_dyn = np.abs(ympf[freqs > 1e-1])
        zmpf_dyn = np.abs(zmpf[freqs > 1e-1])
        used_freq_idx = []
        for i in range(mysize):
            # Number of unique mode shape orders
            x_uniq_num = int(len(np.unique(defl_numbers[:, 0])) - 1)
            if i >= x_uniq_num:
                ix += 1
            # Get index of most dominant direction for i'th mode shape
            uniq_idx = min(i, x_uniq_num)  # use i'th mode shape, unless it doesn't exist, then use next largest
            mode_freq_idx = np.where(defl_numbers[:, 0] == np.unique(defl_numbers[:, 0])[uniq_idx])[
            ]  # find frequency index where i'th mode shape exists
            x_polyidx = mode_freq_idx[
                np.argsort(-xmpf_dyn[mode_freq_idx])[min(ix, len(mode_freq_idx) - 1)]
            ]  # find index for i'th or the "next" i'th desired mode shape polynomial
            mshapes_x[i, :] = xpolys[freqs > 1e-1, :][x_polyidx, :]
            freq_x[i] = freqs_dyn[x_polyidx]
            used_freq_idx = record_used_freqs(x_polyidx, i, used_freq_idx)

            # repeat for y and z directions
            y_uniq_num = int(len(np.unique(defl_numbers[:, 1])) - 1)
            if i > y_uniq_num:
                iy += 1
            uniq_idx = min(i, y_uniq_num)  # use i'th mode shape, unless it doesn't exist, then use largest
            mode_freq_idx = np.where(defl_numbers[:, 1] == np.unique(defl_numbers[:, 1])[uniq_idx])[
            ]  # find frequency index where i'th mode shape exists
            y_polyidx = mode_freq_idx[
                np.argsort(-ympf_dyn[mode_freq_idx])[min(iy, len(mode_freq_idx) - 1)]
            ]  # find index for i'th or the "next" i'th desired mode shape polynomial
            mshapes_y[i, :] = ypolys[freqs > 1e-1, :][y_polyidx, :]
            freq_y[i] = freqs_dyn[y_polyidx]
            used_freq_idx = record_used_freqs(y_polyidx, i, used_freq_idx)

            z_uniq_num = int(len(np.unique(defl_numbers[:, 2])) - 1)
            if i > z_uniq_num:
                iz += 1
            uniq_idx = min(i, z_uniq_num)  # use i'th mode shape, unless it doesn't exist, then use largest
            mode_freq_idx = np.where(defl_numbers[:, 2] == np.unique(defl_numbers[:, 2])[uniq_idx])[
            ]  # find frequency index where i'th mode shape exists
            z_polyidx = mode_freq_idx[
                np.argsort(-zmpf_dyn[mode_freq_idx])[min(iz, len(mode_freq_idx) - 1)]
            ]  # find index for i'th or the "next" i'th desired mode shape polynomial
            mshapes_z[i, :] = zpolys[freqs > 1e-1, :][z_polyidx, :]
            freq_z[i] = freqs_dyn[z_polyidx]
            used_freq_idx = record_used_freqs(z_polyidx, i, used_freq_idx)

    return freq_x, freq_y, freq_z, mshapes_x, mshapes_y, mshapes_z

def rotate(xo, yo, xp, yp, angle):
    ## Rotate a point clockwise by a given angle around a given origin.
    # angle *= -1.
    qx = xo + np.cos(angle) * (xp - xo) - np.sin(angle) * (yp - yo)
    qy = yo + np.sin(angle) * (xp - xo) + np.cos(angle) * (yp - yo)
    return qx, qy

def arc_length(points):
    Compute the distances between points along a curve and return those
    cumulative distances as a flat array.

    This function works for 2D, 3D, and N-D arrays.

    points : numpy array[n_points, n_dimensions]
        Array of coordinate points that we compute the arc distances for.

    arc_distances : numpy array[n_points]
        Array, starting at 0, with the cumulative distance from the first
        point in the points array along the arc.

    See Also
    wisdem.commonse.utilities.arc_length_deriv : computes derivatives for
    the arc_length function

    Here is a simple example of how to use this function to find the cumulative
    distances between points on a 2D curve.

    >>> x_values = numpy.linspace(0., 5., 10)
    >>> y_values = numpy.linspace(2., 4., 10)
    >>> points = numpy.vstack((x_values, y_values)).T
    >>> arc_length(points)
    array([0.        , 0.59835165, 1.19670329, 1.79505494, 2.39340658,
           2.99175823, 3.59010987, 4.18846152, 4.78681316, 5.38516481])
    cartesian_distances = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.diff(points, axis=0) ** 2, axis=1))
    arc_distances = np.r_[0.0, np.cumsum(cartesian_distances)]

    return arc_distances

[docs] def arc_length_deriv(points): """ Return the Jacobian for function arc_length(). See its docstring for more details. Parameters ---------- points : numpy array[n_points, n_dim] Array of coordinate points that we compute the arc distances for. Returns ------- d_arc_distances_d_points : numpy array[n_points, n_points * n_dim] Array, starting at 0, with the cumulative distance from the first point in the points array along the arc. """ n_points, n_dim = points.shape d_arc_distances_d_points = np.zeros((n_points, n_points * n_dim)) # Break out the two-line calculation into subparts to help obtain # derivatives easier diff_points = np.diff(points, axis=0) sum_diffs = np.sum(diff_points**2, axis=1) cartesian_distances = np.sqrt(sum_diffs) cum_sum_distances = np.cumsum(cartesian_distances) arc_distances = np.r_[0.0, cum_sum_distances] # This can be sped up slightly through numpy vectorization, it's shown here in # for-loop for clarity. for i in range(1, n_points): d_inner = 2 * points[i] - 2 * points[i - 1] d_outer = 0.5 * (sum_diffs[i - 1]) ** (-0.5) d_arc_distances_d_points[i, i * n_dim : i * n_dim + n_dim] = d_inner * d_outer d_inner = 2 * points[i - 1] - 2 * points[i] d_outer = 0.5 * (sum_diffs[i - 1]) ** (-0.5) d_arc_distances_d_points[i, i * n_dim - n_dim : i * n_dim] = d_inner * d_outer d_arc_distances_d_points[i:, i * n_dim - n_dim : i * n_dim] = np.sum( d_arc_distances_d_points[i - 1 : i + 1, i * n_dim - n_dim : i * n_dim], axis=0 ) return arc_distances, d_arc_distances_d_points
def cosd(value): """cosine of value where value is given in degrees""" return np.cos(np.radians(value)) def sind(value): """sine of value where value is given in degrees""" return np.sin(np.radians(value)) def tand(value): """tangent of value where value is given in degrees""" return np.tan(np.radians(value)) def hstack(vec): """stack arrays horizontally. useful for assemblying Jacobian assumes arrays are column vectors (if rows just use concatenate)""" newvec = [] for v in vec: if len(v.shape) == 1: newvec.append(v[:, np.newaxis]) else: newvec.append(v) return np.hstack(newvec) def vstack(vec): """stack arrays vertically assumes arrays are row vectors. if columns use concatenate""" newvec = [] for v in vec: if len(v.shape) == 1: newvec.append(v[np.newaxis, :]) else: newvec.append(v) return np.vstack(newvec) def _checkIfFloat(x): try: n = len(x) except TypeError: # if x is just a float x = np.array([x]) n = 1 return x, n
[docs] def linspace_with_deriv(start, stop, num): """creates linearly spaced arrays, and derivatives for changing end points""" step = (stop - start) / float((num - 1)) y = np.arange(0, num) * step + start y[-1] = stop # gradients const = np.arange(0, num) * 1.0 / float((num - 1)) dy_dstart = -const + 1.0 dy_dstart[-1] = 0.0 dy_dstop = const dy_dstop[-1] = 1.0 return y, dy_dstart, dy_dstop
def sectional_interp(xi, x, y): epsilon = 1e-11 xx = np.c_[x[:-1], x[1:] - epsilon].flatten() yy = np.c_[y, y].flatten() return np.interp(xi, xx, yy) def sectionalInterp(xi, x, y): return sectional_interp(xi, x, y)
[docs] def interp_with_deriv(x, xp, yp): """linear interpolation and its derivative. To be precise, linear interpolation is not differentiable right at the control points, but in general it works well enough""" # TODO: put in Fortran to speed up x, n = _checkIfFloat(x) if np.any(np.diff(xp) < 0): raise TypeError("xp must be in ascending order") # n = len(x) m = len(xp) y = np.zeros(n) dydx = np.zeros(n) dydxp = np.zeros((n, m)) dydyp = np.zeros((n, m)) for i in range(n): if x[i] < xp[0]: j = 0 # linearly extrapolate elif x[i] > xp[-1]: j = m - 2 else: for j in range(m - 1): if xp[j + 1] > x[i]: break x1 = xp[j] y1 = yp[j] x2 = xp[j + 1] y2 = yp[j + 1] y[i] = y1 + (y2 - y1) * (x[i] - x1) / (x2 - x1) dydx[i] = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1) dydxp[i, j] = (y2 - y1) * (x[i] - x2) / (x2 - x1) ** 2 dydxp[i, j + 1] = -(y2 - y1) * (x[i] - x1) / (x2 - x1) ** 2 dydyp[i, j] = 1 - (x[i] - x1) / (x2 - x1) dydyp[i, j + 1] = (x[i] - x1) / (x2 - x1) if n == 1: y = y[0] return y, np.diag(dydx), dydxp, dydyp
def assembleI(I): Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixy, Ixz, Iyz = I[0], I[1], I[2], I[3], I[4], I[5] return np.array([[Ixx, Ixy, Ixz], [Ixy, Iyy, Iyz], [Ixz, Iyz, Izz]]) def unassembleI(I): return np.r_[I[0, 0], I[1, 1], I[2, 2], I[0, 1], I[0, 2], I[1, 2]] def rotateI(I, th, axis="z"): # # With rotation matrix R, then I = R * I_0 * R^T # Build inertia tensor if I.ndim == 2 and I.shape[0] == 3 and I.shape[1] == 3: Iin = unassemble(I) elif I.ndim == 1 and I.size == 3: Iin = np.r_[I, np.zeros(3)] elif I.ndim == 1 and I.size == 6: Iin = I.copy() else: raise ValueError("Unknown size for input, I:", I) Imat = assembleI(Iin) # Build rotation matrix ct = np.cos(th) st = np.sin(th) if axis in ["z", "Z", 2]: R = np.array([[ct, -st, 0], [st, ct, 0], [0, 0, 1]]) elif axis in ["y", "Y", 1]: R = np.array([[ct, 0, st], [0, 1, 0], [-st, 0, ct]]) elif axis in ["x", "X", 0]: R = np.array([[1, 0, 0], [0, ct, -st], [0, st, ct]]) else: raise ValueError("Axis must be either x/y/z or 0/1/2") Iout = unassembleI(R @ Imat @ R.T) return Iout def rotate_align_vectors(a, b): # mag_a = np.linalg.norm(a) mag_b = np.linalg.norm(b) unita = a / mag_a unitb = b / mag_b v = np.cross(unita, unitb) s = np.linalg.norm(v) c =, unitb) vx = np.array([[0, -v[2], v[1]], [v[2], 0, -v[0]], [-v[1], v[0], 0]]) radd = np.zeros((3, 3)) if s < 1e-6 else vx +, vx) / (1 + c) # *(1-c)/(s**2) # r = np.eye(3) + radd return r def cubic_with_deriv(x, xp, yp): """deprecated""" x, n = _checkIfFloat(x) if np.any(np.diff(xp) < 0): raise TypeError("xp must be in ascending order") # n = len(x) m = len(xp) y = np.zeros(n) dydx = np.zeros(n) dydxp = np.zeros((n, m)) dydyp = np.zeros((n, m)) xk = xp[1:-1] yk = yp[1:-1] xkp = xp[2:] ykp = yp[2:] xkm = xp[:-2] ykm = yp[:-2] b = (ykp - yk) / (xkp - xk) - (yk - ykm) / (xk - xkm) l = (xk - xkm) / 6.0 d = (xkp - xkm) / 3.0 u = (xkp - xk) / 6.0 # u[0] = 0.0 # non-existent entries # l[-1] = 0.0 # solve for second derivatives fpp = solve_banded((1, 1), np.array([u, d, l]), b) fpp = np.concatenate([[0.0], fpp, [0.0]]) # natural spline # find location in vector for i in range(n): if x[i] < xp[0]: j = 0 elif x[i] > xp[-1]: j = m - 2 else: for j in range(m - 1): if xp[j + 1] > x[i]: break x1 = xp[j] y1 = yp[j] x2 = xp[j + 1] y2 = yp[j + 1] A = (x2 - x[i]) / (x2 - x1) B = 1 - A C = 1.0 / 6 * (A**3 - A) * (x2 - x1) ** 2 D = 1.0 / 6 * (B**3 - B) * (x2 - x1) ** 2 y[i] = A * y1 + B * y2 + C * fpp[j] + D * fpp[j + 1] dAdx = -1.0 / (x2 - x1) dBdx = -dAdx dCdx = 1.0 / 6 * (3 * A**2 - 1) * dAdx * (x2 - x1) ** 2 dDdx = 1.0 / 6 * (3 * B**2 - 1) * dBdx * (x2 - x1) ** 2 dydx[i] = dAdx * y1 + dBdx * y2 + dCdx * fpp[j] + dDdx * fpp[j + 1] if n == 1: y = y[0] dydx = dydx[0] return y
[docs] def trapz_deriv(y, x): """trapezoidal integration and derivatives with respect to integrand or variable.""" dI_dy = np.gradient(x) dI_dy[0] /= 2 dI_dy[-1] /= 2 dI_dx = -np.gradient(y) dI_dx[0] = -0.5 * (y[0] + y[1]) dI_dx[-1] = 0.5 * (y[-1] + y[-2]) return dI_dy, dI_dx
def _smooth_maxmin(yd, ymax, maxmin, pct_offset=0.01, dyd=None): yd, n = _checkIfFloat(yd) y1 = (1 - pct_offset) * ymax y2 = (1 + pct_offset) * ymax dy1 = 1 - pct_offset dy2 = 1 + pct_offset if maxmin == "min": f1 = y1 f2 = ymax g1 = 1.0 g2 = 0.0 idx_constant = yd >= y2 df1 = dy1 df2 = 1.0 elif maxmin == "max": f1 = ymax f2 = y2 g1 = 0.0 g2 = 1.0 idx_constant = yd <= y1 df1 = 1.0 df2 = dy2 f = CubicSplineSegment(y1, y2, f1, f2, g1, g2) # main region ya = np.copy(yd) if dyd is None: dya_dyd = np.ones_like(yd) else: dya_dyd = np.copy(dyd) dya_dymax = np.zeros_like(ya) # cubic spline region idx = np.logical_and(yd > y1, yd < y2) ya[idx] = f.eval(yd[idx]) dya_dyd[idx] = f.eval_deriv(yd[idx]) dya_dymax[idx] = f.eval_deriv_params(yd[idx], dy1, dy2, df1, df2, 0.0, 0.0) # constant region ya[idx_constant] = ymax dya_dyd[idx_constant] = 0.0 dya_dymax[idx_constant] = 1.0 if n == 1: ya = ya[0] dya_dyd = dya_dyd[0] dya_dymax = dya_dymax[0] return ya, dya_dyd, dya_dymax
[docs] def smooth_max(yd, ymax, pct_offset=0.01, dyd=None): """array max, uses cubic spline to smoothly transition. derivatives with respect to array and max value. width of transition can be controlled, and chain rules for differentiation""" return _smooth_maxmin(yd, ymax, "max", pct_offset, dyd)
[docs] def smooth_min(yd, ymin, pct_offset=0.01, dyd=None): """array min, uses cubic spline to smoothly transition. derivatives with respect to array and min value. width of transition can be controlled, and chain rules for differentiation""" return _smooth_maxmin(yd, ymin, "min", pct_offset, dyd)
[docs] def smooth_abs(x, dx=0.01): """smoothed version of absolute vaue function, with quadratic instead of sharp bottom. Derivative w.r.t. variable of interest. Width of quadratic can be controlled""" x, n = _checkIfFloat(x) y = np.abs(x) idx = np.logical_and(x > -dx, x < dx) y[idx] = x[idx] ** 2 / (2.0 * dx) + dx / 2.0 # gradient dydx = np.ones_like(x) dydx[x <= -dx] = -1.0 dydx[idx] = x[idx] / dx if n == 1: y = y[0] dydx = dydx[0] return y, dydx
def find_nearest(array, value): return (np.abs(array - value)).argmin() def closest_node(nodemat, inode): if not nodemat.shape[1] in [2, 3]: if nodemat.shape[0] in [2, 3]: xyz = nodemat.T else: raise ValueError("Expected an m X 2/3 input node array") else: xyz = nodemat if not len(inode) in [2, 3]: raise ValueError("Expected a size 2 or 3 node point") return np.sqrt(np.sum((xyz - inode[np.newaxis, :]) ** 2, axis=1)).argmin() def nodal2sectional(x, axis=0): """Averages nodal data to be length-1 vector of sectional data INPUTS: ---------- x : float vector, nodal data OUTPUTS: ------- y : float vector, sectional data """ if x.ndim == 1: y = 0.5 * (x[:-1] + x[1:]) dy = np.c_[0.5 * np.eye(y.size), np.zeros(y.size)] dy[np.arange(y.size), 1 + np.arange(y.size)] = 0.5 elif x.ndim == 2 and axis == 0: y = 0.5 * (x[:-1, :] + x[1:, :]) dy = None elif x.ndim == 2 and axis == 1: y = 0.5 * (x[:, :-1] + x[:, 1:]) dy = None else: raise ValueError("Only 2 dimensions supported") return y, dy def sectional2nodal(x): return np.r_[x[0], np.convolve(x, [0.5, 0.5], "valid"), x[-1]] def cubic_spline_eval(x1, x2, f1, f2, g1, g2, x): spline = CubicSplineSegment(x1, x2, f1, f2, g1, g2) return spline.eval(x)
[docs] class CubicSplineSegment(object): """cubic splines and the their derivatives with with respect to the variables and the parameters"""
[docs] def __init__(self, x1, x2, f1, f2, g1, g2): self.x1 = x1 self.x2 = x2 self.A = np.array( [ [x1**3, x1**2, x1, 1.0], [x2**3, x2**2, x2, 1.0], [3 * x1**2, 2 * x1, 1.0, 0.0], [3 * x2**2, 2 * x2, 1.0, 0.0], ] ) self.b = np.array([f1, f2, g1, g2]) self.coeff = np.linalg.solve(self.A, self.b) self.poly = np.polynomial.Polynomial(self.coeff[::-1])
def eval(self, x): return self.poly(x) def eval_deriv(self, x): polyd = self.poly.deriv() return polyd(x) def eval_deriv_params(self, xvec, dx1, dx2, df1, df2, dg1, dg2): x1 = self.x1 x2 = self.x2 dA_dx1 = np.array( [[3 * x1**2, 2 * x1, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [6 * x1, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]] ) dA_dx2 = np.array( [[0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [3 * x2**2, 2 * x2, 1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0], [6 * x2, 2.0, 0.0, 0.0]] ) df = np.array([df1, df2, dg1, dg2]) c = np.array(self.coeff).T n = len(xvec) dF = np.zeros(n) for i in range(n): x = np.array([xvec[i] ** 3, xvec[i] ** 2, xvec[i], 1.0]) d = np.linalg.solve(self.A.T, x) dF_dx1 = -d @ dA_dx1 @ c dF_dx2 = -d @ dA_dx2 @ c dF_df = np.linalg.solve(self.A.T, x) dF[i] =, df) + dF_dx1 * dx1 + dF_dx2 * dx2 return dF