Analysis Options Inputs

The following inputs describe the options available in the analysis_options file. This example is from the 03_blade case in the examples directory.

    folder_output: outputs_aerostruct
    fname_output: blade_out

        flag: True
        minimum: 190
        maximum: 240
                flag: True             # Flag to optimize the twist
                inverse: False         # Flag to determine twist from the user-defined desired margin to stall (defined in constraints)
                n_opt: 4               # Number of control points along blade span
                max_decrease: 0.08722222222222221 # Maximum decrease for the twist in [rad] at the n_opt locations
                max_increase: 0.08722222222222221 # Maximum increase for the twist in [rad] at the n_opt locations
                index_start: 2         # Lock the first two DVs from blade root
                index_end: 4           # All DVs close to blade tip are active
                flag: True             # Flag to optimize the chord
                n_opt: 4               # Number of control points along blade span
                max_decrease: 0.3      # Minimum multiplicative gain on existing chord at the n_opt locations
                max_increase: 3.       # Maximum multiplicative gain on existing chord at the n_opt locations
                index_start: 2         # Lock the first two DVs from blade root
                index_end: 4           # All DVs close to blade tip are active
                flag: True             # Flag to optimize the spar cap thickness on the suction side
                n_opt: 4               # Number of control points along blade span
                max_decrease: 0.7      # Maximum nondimensional decrease at the n_opt locations
                max_increase: 1.3      # Maximum nondimensional increase at the n_opt locations
                index_start: 1         # Lock the first DV from blade root
                index_end: 3           # The last DV at blade tip is locked
                flag: True             # Flag to optimize the spar cap thickness on the pressure side
                equal_to_suction: True # Flag to impose the spar cap thickness on pressure and suction sides equal
                n_opt: 4               # Number of control points along blade span
                max_decrease: 0.7      # Maximum nondimensional decrease at the n_opt locations
                max_increase: 1.3      # Maximum nondimensional increase at the n_opt locations
                index_start: 1         # Lock the first DV from blade root
                index_end: 3           # The last DV at blade tip is locked
                flag: False            # Flag to optimize the spar cap thickness on the suction side
                n_opt: 4               # Number of control points along blade span
                max_decrease: 0.7      # Maximum nondimensional decrease at the n_opt locations
                max_increase: 1.3      # Maximum nondimensional increase at the n_opt locations
                index_start: 1         # Lock the first DV from blade root
                index_end: 3           # The last DV at blade tip is locked
                flag: False            # Flag to optimize the spar cap thickness on the pressure side
                n_opt: 4               # Number of control points along blade span
                max_decrease: 0.7      # Maximum nondimensional decrease at the n_opt locations
                max_increase: 1.3      # Maximum nondimensional increase at the n_opt locations
                index_start: 1         # Lock the first DV from blade root
                index_end: 3           # The last DV at blade tip is locked

merit_figure: LCOE

            flag: True         # Flag to impose constraints on maximum strains (absolute value) in the spar cap on the blade suction side
            max:    3500.e-6   # Value of maximum strains [-]
            index_start: 1     # Do not enforce constraint at the first station from blade root of the n_opt from spar_cap_ss
            index_end: 3       # Do not enforce constraint at the last station at blade tip of the n_opt from spar_cap_ss
            flag: True         # Flag to impose constraints on maximum strains (absolute value) in the spar cap on the blade pressure side
            max:    3500.e-6   # Value of maximum strains [-]
            index_start: 1     # Do not enforce constraint at the first station from blade root of the n_opt from spar_cap_ps
            index_end: 3       # Do not enforce constraint at the last station at blade tip of the n_opt from spar_cap_ps
            flag: False        # Flag to impose constraints on maximum strains (absolute value) in the spar cap on the blade suction side
            max:    3500.e-6   # Value of maximum strains [-]
            index_start: 1     # Do not enforce constraint at the first station from blade root of the n_opt from spar_cap_ss
            index_end: 3       # Do not enforce constraint at the last station at blade tip of the n_opt from spar_cap_ss
            flag: False        # Flag to impose constraints on maximum strains (absolute value) in the spar cap on the blade pressure side
            max:    3500.e-6   # Value of maximum strains [-]
            index_start: 1     # Do not enforce constraint at the first station from blade root of the n_opt from spar_cap_ps
            index_end: 3       # Do not enforce constraint at the last station at blade tip of the n_opt from spar_cap_ps
            flag: True
            margin: 1.4175
            flag: True    # Constraint on minimum stall margin
            margin: 0.087 # Value of minimum stall margin in [rad]

        flag: True         # Flag to enable optimization
        tol: 1.e-5          # Optimality tolerance
        # max_major_iter: 10  # Maximum number of major design iterations (SNOPT)
        # max_minor_iter: 100 # Maximum number of minor design iterations (SNOPT)
        max_iter: 1         # Maximum number of iterations (SLSQP)
        solver: SLSQP       # Optimization solver. Other options are 'SLSQP' - 'CONMIN'
        step_size: 1.e-3    # Step size for finite differencing
        form: forward       # Finite differencing mode, either forward or central

    flag: False             # Flag to activate OpenMDAO recorder
    file_name: log_opt.sql # Name of OpenMDAO recorder



Name of folder to dump output files

Default = output


File prefix for output files

Default = output


Sets the design variables in a design optimization and analysis


Adjust the rotor diameter by changing the blade length (all blade properties constant with respect to non-dimensional span coordinates)


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

minimum : Float, m

Default = 0.0

Minimum = 0.0 Maximum = 1000.0

maximum : Float, m

Default = 0.0

Minimum = 0.0 Maximum = 1000.0


Design variables associated with the wind turbine blades


Design variables associated with the blade aerodynamic shape


Blade twist as a design variable by adding or subtracting radians from the initial value at spline control points along the span.


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


When set to True, the twist is defined inverting the blade-element momentum equations to achieve a desired margin to stall, which is defined among the constraints. flag and inverse cannot be simultaneously be set to True

Default = False


Number of equally-spaced control points of the spline parametrizing the twist distribution along blade span.

Default = 8

Minimum = 4

lower_boundArray of Floats, rad

Lowest number of radians that can be added (typically negative to explore smaller twist angles)

Default = [-0.1, -0.1, -0.1, -0.1, -0.1, -0.1, -0.1, -0.1]

upper_boundArray of Floats, rad

Largest number of radians that can be added (typically postive to explore greater twist angles)

Default = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]


Integer setting the first DV of the n_opt along span that is optimized. It is recommended to set index_start to 1 to lock the first DV and prevent the optimizer to try to optimize the twist of the blade root cylinder.

Default = 0


Integer setting the last DV of the n_opt along span that is optimized.

Default = 8


Blade chord as a design variable by scaling (multiplying) the initial value at spline control points along the span.


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Number of equally-spaced control points of the spline parametrizing the chord distribution along blade span.

Default = 8

Minimum = 4


Maximum nondimensional decrease of the blade chord at each optimization location

Default = 0.5


Maximum nondimensional increase of the blade chord at each optimization location

Default = 1.5


Integer setting the first DV of the n_opt along span that is optimized. Setting index_start to 1 or 2 locks the blade root diameter.

Default = 0


Integer setting the last DV of the n_opt along span that is optimized. It is recommended to lock the last point close to blade tip, setting index_end to n_opt minus 1. The last point controls the chord length at blade tip and due to the imperfect tip loss models of CCBlade, it is usually a good idea to taper the chord manually and do not let a numerical optimizer control it.

Default = 8


Adjust airfoil positions along the blade span.


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Index of airfoil where the optimization can start shifting airfoil position. The airfoil at blade tip is always locked. It is advised to keep the airfoils close to blade root locked.

Default = 4

Minimum = 1


Design variables associated with the internal blade structure


Blade suction-side spar cap thickness as a design variable by scaling (multiplying) the initial value at spline control points along the span.


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Number of equally-spaced control points of the spline parametrizing the thickness of the spar cap on the suction side.

Default = 8

Minimum = 4


Maximum nondimensional decrease of the spar cap thickness on the suction-side at each optimization location

Default = 0.5


Maximum nondimensional increase of the spar cap thickness on the suction-side at each optimization location

Default = 1.5


Integer setting the first DV of the n_opt along span that is optimized. It is recommended to set index_start to 1 to lock the first DV and impose a pre- defined taper to small thicknesses and mimic a blade manufacturability constraint.

Default = 0


Integer setting the last DV of the n_opt along span that is optimized. It is recommended to lock the last point close to blade tip, setting index_end to n_opt minus 1. This imposes a predefined taper to small thicknesses and mimic a blade manufacturability constraint.

Default = 8


Blade pressure-side spar cap thickness as a design variable by scaling (multiplying) the initial value at spline control points along the span.


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Number of equally-spaced control points of the spline parametrizing the thickness of the spar cap on the pressure side.

Default = 8

Minimum = 4


Maximum nondimensional decrease of the spar cap thickness on the pressure-side at each optimization location

Default = 0.5


Maximum nondimensional increase of the spar cap thickness on the pressure-side at each optimization location

Default = 1.5


Integer setting the first DV of the n_opt along span that is optimized. It is recommended to set index_start to 1 to lock the first DV and impose a pre- defined taper to small thicknesses and mimic a blade manufacturability constraint.

Default = 0


Integer setting the last DV of the n_opt along span that is optimized. It is recommended to lock the last point close to blade tip, setting index_end to n_opt minus 1. This imposes a predefined taper to small thicknesses and mimic a blade manufacturability constraint.

Default = 8


Blade suction-side trailing edge reinforcement thickness as a design variable by scaling (multiplying) the initial value at spline control points along the span.


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Number of equally-spaced control points of the spline parametrizing the thickness of the trailing edge reinforcement on the suction side. By default, the first point close to blade root and the last point close to blade tip are locked. This is done to impose a pre-defined taper to small thicknesses and mimic a blade manufacturability constraint.

Default = 8

Minimum = 4


Lower bound on scalar multiplier that will be applied to value at control points

Default = 0.5


Upper bound on scalar multiplier that will be applied to value at control points

Default = 1.5


Blade pressure-side trailing edge reinforcement thickness as a design variable by scaling (multiplying) the initial value at spline control points along the span.


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Number of equally-spaced control points of the spline parametrizing the thickness of the trailing edge reinforcement on the pressure side. By default, the first point close to blade root and the last point close to blade tip are locked. This is done to impose a pre-defined taper to small thicknesses and mimic a blade manufacturability constraint.

Default = 8

Minimum = 4


Lower bound on scalar multiplier that will be applied to value at control points

Default = 0.5


Upper bound on scalar multiplier that will be applied to value at control points

Default = 1.5


Design variables associated with the control of the wind turbine


Adjust the tip-speed ratio (ratio between blade tip velocity and steady hub-height wind speed)


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Minimum allowable value

Default = 0.0

Minimum = 0.0 Maximum = 30.0


Maximum allowable value

Default = 0.0

Minimum = 0.0 Maximum = 30.0


Design variables associated with the hub


Adjust the blade attachment coning angle (positive values are always away from the tower whether upwind or downwind)


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_boundFloat, rad

Design variable bound

Default = 0.0

Minimum = 0.0 Maximum = 0.5235987756

upper_boundFloat, rad

Design variable bound

Default = 0.0

Minimum = 0.0 Maximum = 0.5235987756


Adjust the rotor hub diameter


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_boundFloat, m

Lowest value allowable for hub diameter

Default = 0.0

Minimum = 0.0 Maximum = 30.0

upper_boundFloat, m

Highest value allowable for hub diameter

Default = 30.0

Minimum = 0.0 Maximum = 30.0


Design variables associated with the drivetrain


Adjust the drive shaft tilt angle (positive values tilt away from the tower whether upwind or downwind)


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_boundFloat, rad

Design variable bound

Default = 0.0

Minimum = 0.0 Maximum = 0.5235987756

upper_boundFloat, rad

Design variable bound

Default = 0.0

Minimum = 0.0 Maximum = 0.5235987756


Adjust the x-distance, parallel to the ground or still water line, from the tower top center to the rotor apex.


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_boundFloat, m

Lowest value allowable for design variable

Default = 0.1

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 30.0

upper_boundFloat, m

Highest value allowable for design variable

Default = 0.1

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 30.0


Adjust the z-dimension height from the tower top to the rotor apex


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_boundFloat, m

Lowest value allowable for design variable

Default = 0.1

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 30.0

upper_boundFloat, m

Highest value allowable for design variable

Default = 0.1

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 30.0


Adjust the distance along the drive staft from the hub flange to the first main bearing


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_boundFloat, m

Lowest value allowable for design variable

Default = 0.1

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 30.0

upper_boundFloat, m

Highest value allowable for design variable

Default = 0.1

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 30.0


Adjust the distance along the drive staft from the first to the second main bearing


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_boundFloat, m

Lowest value allowable for design variable

Default = 0.1

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 30.0

upper_boundFloat, m

Highest value allowable for design variable

Default = 0.1

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 30.0


Adjust the distance along the drive staft between the generator rotor drive shaft attachment to the stator bedplate attachment


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_boundFloat, m

Lowest value allowable for design variable

Default = 0.1

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 30.0

upper_boundFloat, m

Highest value allowable for design variable

Default = 0.1

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 30.0


For geared configurations only, adjust the gear ratio of the gearbox that multiplies the shaft speed and divides the torque


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_bound : Float

Default = 1.0

Minimum = 1.0 Maximum = 500.0

upper_bound : Float

Default = 150.0

Minimum = 1.0 Maximum = 1000.0


Adjust the diameter at the beginning and end of the low speed shaft (assumes a linear taper)


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_boundFloat, m

Lowest value allowable for design variable

Default = 0.1

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 30.0

upper_boundFloat, m

Highest value allowable for design variable

Default = 0.1

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 30.0


Adjust the diameter at the beginning and end of the high speed shaft (assumes a linear taper)


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_boundFloat, m

Lowest value allowable for design variable

Default = 0.1

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 30.0

upper_boundFloat, m

Highest value allowable for design variable

Default = 0.1

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 30.0


For direct-drive configurations only, adjust the diameter at the beginning and end of the nose/turret (assumes a linear taper)


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_boundFloat, m

Lowest value allowable for design variable

Default = 0.1

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 30.0

upper_boundFloat, m

Highest value allowable for design variable

Default = 0.1

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 30.0


Adjust the thickness at the beginning and end of the low speed shaft (assumes a linear taper)


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_bound : Float, m

Default = 0.001

Minimum = 0.001 Maximum = 3.0

upper_bound : Float, m

Default = 1.0

Minimum = 0.01 Maximum = 5.0


Adjust the thickness at the beginning and end of the high speed shaft (assumes a linear taper)


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_bound : Float, m

Default = 0.001

Minimum = 0.001 Maximum = 3.0

upper_bound : Float, m

Default = 1.0

Minimum = 0.01 Maximum = 5.0


For direct-drive configurations only, adjust the thickness at the beginning and end of the nose/turret (assumes a linear taper)


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_bound : Float, m

Default = 0.001

Minimum = 0.001 Maximum = 3.0

upper_bound : Float, m

Default = 1.0

Minimum = 0.01 Maximum = 5.0


For direct-drive configurations only, adjust the wall thickness along the elliptical bedplate


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_bound : Float, m

Default = 0.001

Minimum = 0.001 Maximum = 3.0

upper_bound : Float, m

Default = 1.0

Minimum = 0.01 Maximum = 5.0


For geared configurations only, adjust the I-beam web thickness of the bedplate


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_bound : Float, m

Default = 0.001

Minimum = 0.001 Maximum = 3.0

upper_bound : Float, m

Default = 1.0

Minimum = 0.01 Maximum = 5.0


For geared configurations only, adjust the I-beam flange thickness of the bedplate


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_bound : Float, m

Default = 0.001

Minimum = 0.001 Maximum = 3.0

upper_bound : Float, m

Default = 1.0

Minimum = 0.01 Maximum = 5.0


For geared configurations only, adjust the I-beam flange width of the bedplate


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_bound : Float, m

Default = 0.001

Minimum = 0.001 Maximum = 3.0

upper_bound : Float, m

Default = 1.0

Minimum = 0.01 Maximum = 5.0


Design variables associated with the tower or monopile


Adjust the outer diamter of the cylindrical column at nodes along the height. Linear tapering is assumed between the nodes, creating conical frustums in each section


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_boundFloat, m

Design variable bound

Default = 5.0

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 100.0

upper_boundFloat, m

Design variable bound

Default = 5.0

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 100.0


Adjust the layer thickness of each section in the column


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_boundFloat, m

Design variable bound

Default = 0.01

Minimum = 1e-05 Maximum = 1.0

upper_boundFloat, m

Design variable bound

Default = 0.01

Minimum = 1e-05 Maximum = 1.0


Adjust the height of each conical section


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_boundFloat, m

Design variable bound

Default = 5.0

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 100.0

upper_boundFloat, m

Design variable bound

Default = 5.0

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 100.0


Design variables associated with the tower or monopile


Adjust the outer diamter of the cylindrical column at nodes along the height. Linear tapering is assumed between the nodes, creating conical frustums in each section


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_boundFloat, m

Design variable bound

Default = 5.0

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 100.0

upper_boundFloat, m

Design variable bound

Default = 5.0

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 100.0


Adjust the layer thickness of each section in the column


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_boundFloat, m

Design variable bound

Default = 0.01

Minimum = 1e-05 Maximum = 1.0

upper_boundFloat, m

Design variable bound

Default = 0.01

Minimum = 1e-05 Maximum = 1.0


Adjust the height of each conical section


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_boundFloat, m

Design variable bound

Default = 5.0

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 100.0

upper_boundFloat, m

Design variable bound

Default = 5.0

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 100.0


Activate the constraints that are applied to a design optimization


Constraints associated with the blade design


Enforce a maximum allowable strain in the suction-side spar caps


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Maximum allowable strain value

Default = 0.004

Minimum = 1e-08 Maximum = 0.1


Enforce a maximum allowable strain in the pressure-side spar caps


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Maximum allowable strain value

Default = 0.004

Minimum = 1e-08 Maximum = 0.1


Enforce a maximum allowable blade tip deflection towards the tower expressed as a safety factor on the parked margin. Meaning a parked distance to the tower of 30m and a constraint value here of 1.5 would mean that 30/1.5=20m of deflection is the maximum allowable


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

margin : Float

Default = 1.4175

Minimum = 1.0 Maximum = 10.0


Enforce sufficient blade flexibility such that they can be transported on rail cars without exceeding maximum blade strains or derailment. User can activate either 8-axle flatcars or 4-axle


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Ensuring blade angles of attacks do not approach the stall point. Margin is expressed in radians from stall.


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

margin : Float, radians

Default = 0.05233

Minimum = 0.0 Maximum = 0.5


Enforcing max chord length limit at all points along blade span.


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

max : Float, meter

Default = 4.3

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 20.0


Enforcing the minimum blade root circle diameter.


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Frequency separation constraint between blade fundamental frequency and blade passing (3P) frequency at rated conditions using gamma_freq margin. Can be activated for blade flap and/or edge modes.


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


(EXPERIMENTAL) Targeted blade moment coefficient (useful for managing root flap loads or inverse design approaches that is not recommendend for general use)


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

min : Float

Default = 0.15

Minimum = 0.01 Maximum = 5.0

max : Float

Default = 0.15

Minimum = 0.01 Maximum = 5.0


(EXPERIMENTAL) Targeted airfoil cl/cd ratio (useful for inverse design approaches that is not recommendend for general use)


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


file path to constraint data

Default =


(EXPERIMENTAL) Targeted blade moment coefficient (useful for managing root flap loads or inverse design approaches that is not recommendend for general use)


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


file path to constraint data

Default =


Constraints associated with the tower design


Double-sided constraint to ensure total tower height meets target hub height when adjusting section heights


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_bound : Float, m

Default = 0.01

Minimum = 1e-06 Maximum = 10.0

upper_bound : Float, m

Default = 0.01

Minimum = 1e-06 Maximum = 10.0


Enforce a maximum allowable von Mises stress relative to the material yield stress with safety factor of gamma_f * gamma_m * gamma_n


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Enforce a global buckling limit using Eurocode checks with safety factor of gamma_f * gamma_b


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Enforce a shell buckling limit using Eurocode checks with safety factor of gamma_f * gamma_b


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Ensure that the diameter moving up the tower at any node is always equal or less than the diameter of the node preceding it


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Double-sided constraint to ensure target diameter to thickness ratio for manufacturing and structural objectives


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_bound : Float

Default = 50.0

Minimum = 1.0 Maximum = 2000.0

upper_bound : Float

Default = 50.0

Minimum = 1.0 Maximum = 2000.0


Enforcing a max allowable conical frustum taper ratio per section


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_bound : Float

Default = 0.5

Minimum = 0.001 Maximum = 1.0


Frequency separation constraint between all tower modal frequencies and blade period (1P) and passing (3P) frequencies at rated conditions using gamma_freq margin.


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Targeted range for tower first frequency constraint. Since first and second frequencies are generally the same for the tower, this usually governs the second frequency as well (both fore-aft and side-side first frequency)


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_bound : Float, Hz

Default = 0.1

Minimum = 0.01 Maximum = 1.0

upper_bound : Float, Hz

Default = 0.1

Minimum = 0.01 Maximum = 1.0


Constraints associated with the monopile design


Ensures that the submerged suction pile depth meets a minimum value


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_bound : Float, m

Default = 0.0

Minimum = 0.0 Maximum = 200.0


Enforce a maximum allowable von Mises stress relative to the material yield stress with safety factor of gamma_f * gamma_m * gamma_n


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Enforce a global buckling limit using Eurocode checks with safety factor of gamma_f * gamma_b


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Enforce a shell buckling limit using Eurocode checks with safety factor of gamma_f * gamma_b


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Ensure that the diameter moving up the tower at any node is always equal or less than the diameter of the node preceding it


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Double-sided constraint to ensure target diameter to thickness ratio for manufacturing and structural objectives


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_bound : Float

Default = 50.0

Minimum = 1.0 Maximum = 2000.0

upper_bound : Float

Default = 50.0

Minimum = 1.0 Maximum = 2000.0


Enforcing a max allowable conical frustum taper ratio per section


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_bound : Float

Default = 0.5

Minimum = 0.001 Maximum = 1.0


Frequency separation constraint between all tower modal frequencies and blade period (1P) and passing (3P) frequencies at rated conditions using gamma_freq margin.


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Targeted range for tower first frequency constraint. Since first and second frequencies are generally the same for the tower, this usually governs the second frequency as well (both fore-aft and side-side first frequency)


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_bound : Float, Hz

Default = 0.1

Minimum = 0.01 Maximum = 1.0

upper_bound : Float, Hz

Default = 0.1

Minimum = 0.01 Maximum = 1.0



Ensure that the diameter of the hub is sufficient to accommodate the number of blades and blade root diameter


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False



Enforce a maximum allowable von Mises stress relative to the material yield stress with safety factor of gamma_f * gamma_m * gamma_n


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Enforce a maximum allowable von Mises stress relative to the material yield stress with safety factor of gamma_f * gamma_m * gamma_n


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Enforce a maximum allowable von Mises stress relative to the material yield stress with safety factor of gamma_f * gamma_m * gamma_n


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Ensure that the angular deflection at this meain bearing does not exceed the maximum allowable deflection for the bearing type


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Ensure that the angular deflection at this meain bearing does not exceed the maximum allowable deflection for the bearing type


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Ensure that the bedplate length is sufficient to meet desired overhang value


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


Ensure that the bedplate height is sufficient to meet desired nacelle height value


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


For direct-drive configurations only, ensure that the inner diameter of the nose/turret is big enough to allow human access


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

lower_boundFloat, meter

Minimum size to ensure human maintenance access

Default = 2.0

Minimum = 0.1 Maximum = 5.0


For direct-drive configurations only, ensure that the elliptical bedplate length is greater than its height


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False

merit_figureString from, [‘LCOE’, ‘AEP’, ‘Cp’, ‘blade_mass’, ‘tower_mass’, ‘tower_cost’, ‘monopile_mass’, ‘monopile_cost’, ‘structural_mass’, ‘structural_cost’, ‘blade_tip_deflection’, ‘My_std’, ‘flp1_std’]

Objective function / merit figure for optimization. Choices are LCOE- levelized cost of energy, AEP- turbine annual energy production, Cp- rotor power coefficient, blade_mass, tower_mass, tower_cost, monopile_mass, monopile_cost, structural_mass- tower+monopile mass, structural_cost- tower+monopile cost, blade_tip_deflection- blade tip deflection distance towards tower, My_std- blade flap moment standard deviation, flp1_std- trailing flap standard deviation

Default = LCOE


Specification of the optimization driver (optimization algorithm) parameters


Convergence tolerance (relative)

Default = 1e-06

Minimum = 1e-12 Maximum = 1.0


Max number of optimization iterations

Default = 100

Minimum = 0 Maximum = 100000


Max number of calls to objective function evaluation

Default = 100000

Minimum = 0 Maximum = 100000000

solverString from, [‘SLSQP’, ‘CONMIN’, ‘COBYLA’, ‘SNOPT’]

Optimization driver. Can be one of [SLSQP, CONMIN, COBYLA, SNOPT]

Default = SLSQP


Maximum step size

Default = 0.001

Minimum = 1e-10 Maximum = 100.0

formString from, [‘central’, ‘forward’, ‘complex’]

Finite difference calculation mode

Default = central


Optimization iteration recording via OpenMDAO


Activates as a design variable or constraint

Default = False


OpenMDAO recorder output SQL database file

Default = log_opt.sql